An informal discussion with the LGBT community of Yogyakarta on “ Diversity and Spirituality.” There were approximately 100 LGBT people present! The panel consisted of Kathryn and myself and Aria, the transgender Muslim woman I had been introduced to in the morning. Kathryn and I did not want to say much---we wanted to listen to what others wanted to share. And so we simply introduced ourselves as a twenty year old couple and that I was a Roman Catholic priest and she a candidate for ordination in the Presbyterian Church and that we both considered our spirituality to be crucial to sustaining and enriching our relationship. Aria too spoke very briefly. As a transgendered Muslim woman she made it clear that the Holy Qur’an is totally silent on the idea of transgender/ “third gender.” She said that it is the Hadith, the second set of sacred texts based on the life of the Prophet Muhammad, that speak about “mukhannathun”/third gender. She described composition and collection of these texts of the Hadith as imbedded in cultural contexts, and thus their prejudice toward a third gender.
However, Aria said, while realizing this was important, what was key for her was realizing the importance of her own self acceptance as a woman. When she realized this, she truly began to understand the Prophet’s words: “ Know yourself and you will know your God.”
The rest of the evening was spent hearing many testimonials by lesbian, gay and transgendered people who were gathered. Many stories expressed that most of the community did not feel safe in being out. Others expressed the importance of commitment in their relationships. Several described their relationships across faiths and how this was enriching. Kathryn wondered out loud how accepting the LGT community was of bisexuals. In four different responses, people said they often didn’t trust them and wished they would simply choose one or the other. It was clear that if there were bi-sexuals present they did not feel comfortable in speaking up. Kathryn then spoke of the importance both spiritually and socially of being truly inclusive in our LGBT community. Overall, the evening was an opportunity to gather the LGBT community, to share stories and receive mutual support. The palpable need for such gatherings was clear. And we felt blessed to be a part of their dialogue.
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